Welcome to the Comore Loma Water Corporation
The 2024 Irrigation season is from April 15th thru October 15th. The days will be opposite of 2023. Full rules are posted below.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Homes with EVEN ending house number 0,2,4,6,8
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Homes with ODD ending house number 1,3,5,7,9
Please remember NO irrigation on SUNDAY.
Create An Account Make A Payment Water Inspection And Turn On Request Connection Letter Request Form
If you would like to sign up for Text message alerts text CLW to "33222"
Important Letter to Members
The Comore Loma Water Corporation (CLWC) was incorporated in 1974 and governs the water system that delivers water to all members of the corporation.
As a lot owner, you are a member of the CLWC which is responsible for water delivery to all residents of Comore Loma. On this site you will find documents pertaining to the water corporation and upcoming events.
Be sure to visit the For Members section to familiarize yourself with CLWC policies. Also, if you are a new owner or a current owner whose contact information has changed, please provide your contact information so that you receive important information bulletins on regarding system issues, votes, outages, etc.